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Taking advantage of the domestic medical equipment for leading "policy"

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Release date: 2015-11-27 13:46:20
Source: Henan Meilun Medical Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Zhao Zongxiang
Since the implementation of a new round of health reform, a strong impetus to the development of the medical device industry. Recently, the Ministry of Finance announced the reform of public hospitals in 2015 was 111.24 yuan subsidy funds, 2016 will be 98.04 yuan. Analysis of the personage inside course of study that public hospital reform "red envelopes" will boost the domestic medical equipment development, but in and compete for foreign brands, the domestic medical equipment to have "Beishuiyizhan" determination and courage.
Enhance the strength of the initiative to attack the medical device is a new round of health care reform in the most beneficial areas." China Hospital Association, the relevant staff said, from the perspective of scientific development, in environmental protection, industry cycles, product development, market prospects, market returns, intellectual property protection and many other aspects, medical devices and pharmaceutical, have advantages. Moreover, the state attaches great importance to the development of medical equipment industry. Integrated with the above factors, with the deepening of reform, China's medical devices will usher in more opportunities for competition policy red envelope.
"However, it is worth noting that, in China's medical device market competition, foreign companies have dominated. Therefore, in the future market competition, domestic medical device companies to take the opportunity to take the initiative." The staff said, in the face of China's medical device market to promote medical device market huge cake, domestic and foreign medical device manufacturers will be bound to launch fierce competition. Therefore, the domestic and foreign brands of medical devices in the competition, must have the courage and determination of "fight to win or die".
In fact, in the market competition, foreign brands have an overwhelming advantage. Publicly available data show that in 2014, the country's total of 17854 medical CT, including Holland PHILPS, the United States GE and SIEMENS and other 8 manufacturers supply, the market is highly concentrated in the hands of a few foreign medical device manufacturers in the rankings. "2014 China Medical equipment sales service survey report" published in 2014 market share data show that in the CT, nuclear magnetic resonance, nuclear medicine, angiography machine and other large medical equipment, the industry is known as the GPS of General Electric, PHILPS, SIEMENS three multinational companies occupy more than 80% market share, which is the market share of angiographic machine equipment, even as high as 91.1%.
"The imported medical instruments in China rule all the land, firmly in the control of the market initiative and discourse." Industry said that for a long time, China's large medical equipment market has been monopolized by foreign companies, domestic brands in the competition with foreign brands, it is difficult to share a cup of soup. Monopoly leads to high prices of high-end medical devices in china.
Shanghai, a medical device company responsible person analysis, domestic medical equipment has been the reason for the loss of discourse in the field of high-end products, mainly because of its own existence of the product quality is not pass, the core technology and business philosophy is lagging behind. "Why the market has been monopolized by foreign capital? Is because the real strength of the domestic enterprises are too few. On the current point of view, there is no one China Company can compete with the international giants called GPS."
"Domestic brands to striving efforts to enhance their own strength, and enhance market competitiveness, as soon as possible to break the pattern of foreign brands dominate the world." Beijing medical equipment distribution company marketing manager Mr. Wang said, the country can use the medical reform, guide domestic medical device companies to improve their independent innovation ability, to encourage medical institutions to give priority to the purchase of domestic medical equipment. Domestic Yixie manufacturers should seize reform work in every opportunity, technology and policy advantage into a market advantage, to take the initiative in competition with foreign enterprises. "Domestic medical equipment has a high cost, especially in the low-end medical device market has a strong competitiveness. In the field of some high-end medical devices, in recent years, domestic equipment has also made great progress, fully have the strength of the market share of the market."Indeed, in some high-end products and large medical equipment field, some domestic brands in the market gradually cut a striking figure. May 2015, Neusoft medical in Shenyang, Liaoning released China's first complete independent intellectual property rights and core technology of the 128 CT - NeuViz 128 multi - layer spiral CT. Neusoft medical CEO Wu Shaojie said that since the release of the product, CT NeuViz128 has been listed on the list of China, the United States and the European Union, and has been exported to Europe, South Asia, North Africa and other international markets. Shanghai, the world's first ultra fast 96 ring optical CT - uMI - PET - 510 is in the past 16 months, covering more than one hundred items of testing certification process, in August 28th this year, officially got the Japanese medical equipment listing license. In May 8th this year, the State Food and Drug Administration approved the Shanghai alliance shadow Medical Technology Co., Ltd. uMR 770 magnetic resonance imaging system medical device registration. This is the first time in our country approved the registration of domestic 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging system. "Our goal is to make China's cutting edge technology in the world," said Xue Min, chairman and CEO."
Facts have proved that the domestic enterprises have broken the high-end medical device development bottleneck; the strength of domestic enterprises, fully capable of competing with foreign brands. Industry insiders estimate that the next 5 years, domestic enterprises will enter the high-end medical devices market, foreign companies monopoly China's high-end medical equipment market situation will be broken; the next 10 years, the national brand or will gradually dominate the domestic high-end medical equipment market.
Support policy to landing sound
In recent years, the development of domestic medical equipment is to take care of, in research and development, approval, marketing and other aspects of the policy, funding, personnel and other support, creating a good environment for development, and has launched the two batch of domestic medical device selection, plus speed localization process.
August 16, 2014, the national health and Family Planning Commission, the Ministry of industry and information technology in Beijing jointly held to promote the development of domestic medical equipment application conference. National Health and family life Commission Director Li Bin stressed that to promote the use of domestic equipment has always been to reduce health care costs as the focus of the work to firmly and realistically. To strengthen the research and development and use needs of the docking, to build a high starting point for the collaboration of the depth of the research. To health planning agencies to advocate the use of domestic medical equipment, three hospitals focus on promoting the application of domestic medical equipment. Miao Wei, Minister of industry and information technology, stressed that to further promote the transformation and upgrading of domestic medical equipment industry, requires joint efforts from the two aspects of supply and demand, grasping breakthrough innovation; grasping popularization and application.
From the introduction of a number of policies to support the country to see, medical devices in the share reform of the health care market in the absolute dominance of the market. However, due to various reasons, the domestic medical equipment, especially high-end medical devices are often rejected by medical institutions." Zhejiang Province, a medical device companies responsible person said, for a long time, medical institutions in medical equipment procurement, "xenophilia" ideas and concepts also in some extent hindered the domestic medical equipment into the pace of large hospitals. In the province of procurement center recently announced the heart involvement, peripheral vascular intervention, cardiac pacemaker, electrical physiological supplies the successful tenderer varieties and the list of enterprises, foreign products went so far as to occupy the 88.89% market share.The person in charge also revealed that the existence of domestic innovative medical devices to promote the application of difficult problems. Many medical institutions do not want to buy, reluctant to use domestic innovative medical devices. "At present, due to various reasons, the development of innovative medical devices market has" four difficult ", that is, the application is difficult, into the medical insurance difficult, pricing, into the tender procurement directory is difficult." The responsible person said, at the national level, the introduction of a number of policies to support, but due to various reasons, some of the policies in the implementation of the discount.
"At present, our country can only say that it is a big country, but not a powerful country." Ministry of science and technology, a staff member said, China's medical device industry average annual growth rate has been more than 20% years in a row, far higher than the world average growth level. However, in the high value-added product market competition, domestic medical equipment has been in a supporting role, no voice. Therefore, the local government should ensure that the central policy to implement, and effectively support the development of domestic medical equipment industry, in particular, to increase the proportion of domestic medical equipment procurement. Domestic enterprises should make full use of the advantages of national policy, in particular, to seize the business opportunities, accelerate the pace of development, shorten the gap with foreign well-known medical device companies.
May of this year, the focus of China's manufacturing 2025 plan officially announced, the biological medicine and high performance medical devices, such as the ten major industries for national strategy, officially proposed to improve the innovative ability and industrialization level, focus on the development of imaging equipment, medical robots and other high performance medical equipment, such as the full degradation of high value medical supplies, wearable, remote diagnosis and other mobile medical products. Analysis of the industry have said that the policy for the development of China medical device industry is great power, will boost the development of China's medical device industry "qualitative change".
The Ministry of science and technology said that the next 10 years, China's medical device market pattern will be a fundamental change, domestic enterprises in the competition for health care reform big red, is expected by the role of the protagonist".

Taking advantage of the domestic medical equipment for leading